7-26 May 2013

Capitaine futur and superpowers

Do we all possess our own superpowers?

  • Metamorph - Freeka Tet © Vinciane Verguethen
  • Weather Worlds - Design I/O © Vinciane Verguethen
  • La fontaine magique - Comte d'Urgell © Vinciane Verguethen
  • Capitaine futur et les super-pouvoirs © Cizo
  • Capitaine futur et les super-pouvoirs © Cizo

In the digital age, where we interact with many different screens and controls, we sometimes forget that we are capable of doing and feeling things all on our own – we have our own genuine superpowers. Disguised in our daily lives, these human abilities large and small sometimes go unnoticed. Yet they are always within reach, tucked within the joys of everyday life and activities enjoyed with others. These gifts are not a fluke – they are forms of potential within us all that have to be awakened and maintained. Whether unique or shared with others, these qualities make each of us extraordinary. Capitaine futur, our experiences guide with narrative superpowers, makes extensive use of his physical, mental, emotional and – above all – imaginative super-dexterous abilities, which he has patiently nurtured. Capitaine futur is an astounding character with emotional cunning and rhetorical flair, who leads children on the path to finding their special talents. He encourages them to discover for themselves the enjoyment of doing, searching, changing perspective, exploring materials and tools, and sharing a special moment with their parents.