Building permit granted!

How can we get involved in the major works that lie before us?

  • Capitaine futur (logo) © Fräneck
  • Tomoko Sauvage © Vinciane Verguethen
  • Permis de construire © Fräneck

As our environment grows more complex, it appears to be becoming clouded by the rapid pace of change. This breakneck rush forward hinges on technology and machines that require us to adapt at lightning speed. The mountains of contraptions and hills of notification noises from tangled cables make us yearn for a moment to catch our breath. There is unspoilt land right before our eyes, under our feet, counting our steps. Ground is being broken on a construction project and the smiling foreman, Capitaine futur, is unfolding the plans for the initiative: The Future. A personal and collective project that alternates between dream and nightmare, harmony and discord – the future is being invented in the present and the possibilities are always plural. “Building permit granted!” delivers skyscrapers of ideas for doing things, building, demolishing, assembling, disassembling, putting up scaffolding, destroying and rebuilding.

The letter of Capitaine futur

Dear friends,

I have started works on my planet this year, to erect skyscrapers of ideas and geometric sensations.
Come express yourself! Chip in as we create the tools to build dreams of all sizes. Small contributions, larger projects and major undertakings – all are welcome!
After you stimulate your senses it will be time for experimentation, a time to dabble with your special wishes and new objects. You will need all ten fingers and your mind to carry out your mission. We will test and tinker – one step forward and one step back – developing detailed plans, modelling and putting things into perspective with aplomb.
My programme is hands-on and quick on its feet, defying the imagination with dizzying music that contorts the body, rhythmic dance steps that throw you off balance and games that lift you out of the ordinary.
That is how I plan to draw up a reality to look down on from above, one that bridges eras and cultures.
Your permit to build a better world – to learn and to make – has been granted. Now on to the experience!

Capitaine futur